Free Agency
Free Agency is a focused 90-day program from Terrain to help you select the right startup idea — before company formation or funding.

Free Agency Season 1

Applications are currently closed.

We’ve all been there.

Untethered. A free agent. Someone with the unbounded ability to write their own story.

Exciting, yes. Until the void of the unknown sets in. Unease follows.

A new race begins.

To find grounding again. To have an answer when friends ask: “What are you going to do?” To start the company — even without a concrete idea. To raise money. To reassure yourself that whatever you're doing is okay. It will be okay. You will be okay. To join the accelerator. The EIR program. The incubator.

Phew. The solid feel of a well-defined track is beneath your feet once again.

But in that moment, you forgo freedom – and opt out of free agency.

Instead, you become a restricted agent once again. Surrounded by a cohort of other founders, you place yourself amidst the noise. Mimetic instincts kick in — your ideas converge towards those around you, whether it’s the right direction or not. It’s how we end up with 100 new remote work apps or NFT marketplaces. When everyone attends the same talks from the same speakers at the same time, ideas start to blend into sameness. The goal inverts: you are no longer looking for the best idea but the one that can get “heat” the fastest.

Of course, there is another way.

Embrace the void. Use it as the magic tool that it is: to remove distractions and reveal the idea that is right for you as an individual. To see through the fog and understand clearly what others miss. To build something only you can.

This moment — your moment of free agency — is your chance to call your shot.

Don’t throw it away.

Applications for season one are closed — Free Agency —

What is Free Agency?

Free Agency is a 90-day program from Terrain to help you select the right startup idea — before company formation or funding.

We take inspiration from sports free agency, where athletes go through a structured process to evaluate their options before committing to a team. They counsel with advisors, intensively survey their options, and determine which team allows them to be the player they know they can be and gives them the best odds of success.

We provide a similar process for founders to select the right startup idea.

Unlike accelerators or incubators, Free Agency is highly individualized. No cohorts, demo days, high-minded hype, or generic programming. No “playing house.” We remove the pressure of premature commitment, the noise of fundraising expectations, and the distraction of weak ideas — so you can uncover the truly powerful one.

What is the structure of the program?

Free Agency offers:

  • 1:1 partnership with experienced investors and founders.

  • $350k+ in tech credits from Microsoft, OpenAI, Framer, and more along with other benefits including early access to new technologies and go-to-market support.

  • Access to specialists, customers, and CEO advisors.

At the end of 90 days, you’ll reach one of two outcomes: (1) A high-conviction startup with early momentum, or (2) A clear realization that now isn’t the right time—and that’s a win, too.

If you commit and start a company we will support you further with:

  • An offsite session in an inspiring locale for deep, focused work.

  • Potential investment from Terrain and introductions to world-class investors.

Free Agency gives you the space, structure, and support to make the right decision—on your terms.

How do I apply?

Applications for the current season are closed. We will provide updates for future seasons later this year.

If you would still like to get in touch, you can email here with any questions.

What is Terrain?

Terrain is an early-stage technology investment firm led by Eric Stromberg and Willem Van Lancker.

We back founders who call their shot.



Free Agency participants receive over $350K+ in tech credits and support services that help you navigate the idea maze.

This includes credits and program support from Microsoft, Amazon, OpenAI, Anthropic, Framer, and more — along with other benefits including early access to new technologies and go-to-market support.

Free Agency Advisors

Select the right idea with the help of mentors and experts.

Zach Dell

CEO of Base

Hardware, Energy

Justin Lopas

COO of Base

Hardware, Defense, Energy

Andrew Ofstad

Co-founder and CPO or Airtable

Prosumer, AI

Evan Moore

Co-founder of Doordash

SMB, Fintech, Consumer

Dan Romero

CEO of Farcaster

Crypto, Fintech

Alex Mather

CEO of Eternal; Founder of The Athletic

Consumer, Healthcare

Zach Abrams

CEO of Bridge

Crypto, Fintech

Sean Yu

CTO of Bridge

Crypto, Fintech

Joe Thomas

CEO of Loom

Prosumer, Enterprise

Julia DeWahl

Co-founder of Anatres


Shaun Zacharia

Co-Founder of TripleLift

Adtech, Infrastructure

Connor Watumull

CEO of Miter

Vertical SaaS, Fintech, Construction Tech

Jordi Hays

GP at Technology Brothers

Consumer, Fintech

Andrew Brown

CEO of Check

Fintech, Developer Infrastructure

Stephanie Liu

Co-founder of Nourish

Healthcare, Vertical SaaS

John Waldmann

CEO of Homebase

SMB, Vertical SaaS

Austin Esecson

CEO of Rinsed

SMB, Vertical SaaS

Faye Keegan

VP of Revenue Cat

Consumer, Developer Infrastructure

Sean Duffy

CEO of Omada Health

Healthcare, Insurance

Hursh Agrawal

Co-founder of The Browser Company

Prosumer, AI

Chris Altchek

CEO of Cadence

Healthcare, Enterprise

Travers Nisbet

Head of Product at Parallel

AI, Infrastructure

Joe Lallouz

CEO of Bison Trails

Crypto, Fintech


After a more than a decade of building and backing companies, we've built relationships with experts and specialists who help validate and shape new ideas. Our network covers everything from prototyping and product design to marketing and storytelling.

Beyond making introductions, we can stay involved as your partner throughout the process, leveraging our experience to help navigate decisions. Our specialists bring expertise in:

  • Taking ideas from concept to working prototype

  • Conducting diligence and user research

  • Designing products & early brands

  • Creating sales and marketing tests

  • Writing differentiated content and narrative

  • Building pitch decks

We've refined this network through years of real-world testing, keeping only the partners who consistently deliver great results and partnership.